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Often, there are times in life when things don't seem to be working and we begin to realize that the same strategies we have been using aren't cutting it anymore. If you find yourself feeling stuck, therapy can be a great way to untangle your thoughts and experiences to make a tangible plan for change. Seeking therapy will bring more clarity and wellness into your life by creating a space that is purely yours, directed by you and your needs, inviting you to write a new story for your life.

I work with clients struggling with stress and overwhelm, often feeling that they are trying but rarely seeing results or feeling at peace within themselves. This might be due to ADHD and issues with executive functioning, career dissatisfaction or relationship distress. This can be compounded by the environmental forces outside of our control. It's common to make choices in states of stress that lead us into the cycle of fulfilling our own self-doubt prophecy. Understanding these patterns, where they originated and how to break out of that cycle is a critical step towards the confidence in self that you deserve. 

I use a combination of styles that help clients focus on patterns but also the ways in which body and nervous system awareness can help us reach a place of healing. My clients report feeling heard and understood while appreciating gentle challenges as a way to encourage the progress they seek. 

In addition to being a Professional Counselor, I am a Certified Career Counselor and instructor of career exploration, self-empowerment and academic success strategies. I offer group programs focused on executive functioning and real life strategies that can make daily living feel lighter. 

I see clients in my Grayslake office & online through our HIPAA compliant telehealth platform. To schedule with me or to learn more about my services please complete the inquiry form and our Intake Coordinator will get back to you shortly.