In her 2014 article for the Harvard Medicine Magazine, Susan Karcz wrote “Techniques and approaches to enhance performance in competition can help athletes overcome their mind’s reactions  to the risks, fears, and tensions related to competition and maintain their concentration amid distractions. Attaining an optimal performance state—when the physical and the mental come together seamlessly—is the goal of, and can be the reward for, paying close attention to the power of an aware mind.” 

“If your goal is reaching your full potential this off season, then you cannot afford to ignore the mental aspect of your game.  Whether it is strategies to block out distractions, eliminating your fear of failure, or addressing the mindset that you have when you walk onto the field/court, meeting with a professional experienced in the mental component of athletic performance can help you succeed,” Josh Symbal, Counselor & Coach.

Josh sees clients in our Algonquin office & online through our HIPAA compliant Telehealth platform. To schedule with Josh or to learn more about his services please complete the inquiry form and our Intake Coordinator will get back to you shortly.